Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cute Emo Haircuts

Emo hairstyles do not require a professional stylist, and you are better off using your little brother's kindergarten scissors or a pair of shears than scissors designed for cutting hair. Don't worry about the hair being uneven; the more asymmetrical, the better. Many emo hairstyles feature a patch of triangular hair around the face or lopsided hair. It is a wonder how some emo hairstyles can allow their wearers to see anything, but most emos do manage to cross the street safely.

You may try shaving all of your hair in back and leaving hair only on the top or on the sides. Some may also decide to shear their hair on the sides as well. For these emo hairstyles, use electric shears used for giving army "buzz" cuts. Although much of the hair will be buzzed off, there should still be a flamboyant black tousel hanging down the front into the eyes.

Emo hairstyles are definitely shaggy, and sometimes spiky, so use scultping gel to your advantage. It is a good idea to find the most potent gel on the market, especially if you want to create spikes. Simply make the hair spiky or shaggy when wet by working a gel through your hair and teasing out the bold effects. Dry your hair, adding more gel and spray until your spikes are absolutely stiff. Do not brush. Emo hairstyles are not for the faint of heat, so don't worry about having a stiff head of hair after all of that spray. In any case, it can be shampooed out.

To create emo haircuts, you do not need a lot of expensive hair equipment like curling irons or flat irons, but you will want to experiment with different gels and sprays. The best kind of gels make the hair actually stiff and spikey. If you are not satisfied with your haircut, you can always trim yourself using an ordinary pair of scissors. Although it is sometimes better to have someone else style your hair, because we cannot always get a good perspective on how our hair looks from the back. Don' t worry if the cut is not even or straight, since emo hairstyles tend to be asymmetrical.

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